Système de thèmes Cross - CMS

Date : dimanche 04 août 2002 @ 21:17:47 :: Sujet : NPDS

From George : The man beside :

"Just spend some time on vacation. Yes I know programmers don't do that, but... Michael just changed the link so works... For my different jobs, I crawl across the theme usages across CMS and weblogs. What to say, interresting indeed, but a lot of problems to make something usable, and cross comaptible. !include!s somewhere (with different names) exec of functions that echoes and don't gives string results.

So, unifiing a clstheme is an uneasy thing. But, it works for postnuke, phpforge 2.3 (3b2is going to a SPIP templating system, so no need), and NPDS. I'll put a release in a few minuts(just to test). It's still an alpha (lot of work sorry), so look at the code.
The main code is /!include!s/display/wrapper.php test the !! to use acording to the used CMS /!include!s/display/***wrapper.php the functions definiing the header, footer, etc, funcs /!include!s/display/***theme.php the class derivation for clsTheme used by the theme where *** is the CMS used I put the genBlueBump theme (say the theme) as example.
To know what are the %...% in the templates look @ the clstheme wrapper code, I'm very bad in documentation.

So be free to use the ideas.

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