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[Résolu] - Correctif AntiSpamBots

  Posté : 07-07-2006 01:19

Voilà le fichier replyH.php corrigé pour AntiSpamBots V2, qui permet de sécuriser les réponses à des posts sur le forum.

/************************************************************** **********/
/* NPDS V : Net Portal Dynamic System .                           & nbsp;      */
/* ===========================        &nbs p;              ;                     */
/*            &nb sp;            &nbs p;              ;                           & nbsp;    */
/* Original Copyright (c) 2001 by Francisco Burzi (   */
/*                                                   */
/*            &nb sp;            &nbs p;              ;                           & nbsp;    */
/* This version name NPDS Copyright (c) 2001-2004   */
/* Great mods by snipe            &n bsp;            &nb sp;            &nbs p;           */
/*            &nb sp;            &nbs p;              ;                           & nbsp;    */
/* =========================                       & nbsp;            &n bsp;        */
/* Based on Parts of phpBB            &n bsp;            &nb sp;            &nbs p;       */
/*            &nb sp;            &nbs p;              ;                           & nbsp;    */
/* This program is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify */
/* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
/* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License.       */
/************************************************************************/ br />
if (!function_exists("Mysql_Connexion")) {!include! ("mainfile.php");}
// ##### ==> AntiSpamBots
!include! (
// ##### ==> AntiSpamBots
if ($SuperCache) 
   $cache_obj = new cacheManager();
global $pdst; $pdst=

if ($cancel) 
"Location: viewtopicH.php?topic=$topic&forum=$forum");

$rowQ1=Q_Select (
"SELECT forum_name, forum_moderator, forum_type,& nbsp;forum_pass, forum_access, arbre FROM forums WHERE  forum_id = '$forum'", 3600);
if (!$rowQ1)
list(,$myrow) = each($rowQ1);
$forum_name = $myrow
$forum_access = $myrow

if ( ($forum_type == 1) and ($Forum_passwd != $myrow[forum_pass]) ) {
"Location: forum.php");
if ($forum_access==9) 
"Location: forum.php");
if (is_locked($topic)) 
if (!does_exists($forum, 
"forum") || !does_exists($topic, "topic")) {

if ($submitS) 
// ##### ==> AntiSpamBots
   global $question, $anti_spam_bots, $redir; br />   AntiSpamBots::reponse($question, $anti_spam_bots);
// ##### ==> AntiSpamBots
   if ($message=='') $stop=1;
   if (!$user) 
      if ($forum_access==0) 

         $userdata = a rray(
"uid" => 1);
} else {
         if (($username=="") or ($password=="")) {
            forum error('0027');
} else {
            $resu lt = mysql_query(
"select pass FROM users WHERE uname='$u sername'");
            list( $pass) = mysql_fetch_row($result);
            if&nb sp;(!$system) 
              ;  $passwd=crypt($password,$pass);
            } else {
              ;  $passwd=$password;
            if&nb sp;((strcmp($passwd,$pass)==0) and ($pass != 
"")) {
              ;  $userdata = get_userdata($username);
              ;  !include!(
            } else {
              ;  forumerror('0028');
            $modo =user_is_moderator($username,$pass,$forum_access);
            if&nb sp;($forum_access==2) 
              ;  if (!$modo)
              ;     forumerror('0027');
} else {
      $userX = base_64_decode($user);
      $userdata = explode(
":", $userX);
< font color="#007700">[
      if ($forum_access==2) 

         if (!$modo)
            forum error('0027');
      $userdata = get_userdata($userd ata

   // Either valid user/pass, or vali d session. continue with post.
   if ($stop != 1) 
      $poster_ip =  getip();
      if ($dns_verif)
         $hostname=@gethostbyadd r($poster_ip);

      anti_flood ($modo, $anti_flood,  $poster_ip, $userdata, $gmt);

      if ($allow_html == 0  || isset($html)) $message = htmlspecialchars($message);
      if ($sig && $userd ata
[uid] != 1) $message .= " [addsig]";
      if (($forum_type!=
"6") and ($forum_type!="5")) {
         $message = af f_code($message);
         $message = st r_replace(
"\n""<br />", $message);
      if (($allow_bbcode==1) and  ;($forum_type!=
"6") and ($forum_type!="5")) {
         $message = sm ile($message);
      if (($forum_type!=
"6") and ($forum_type!="5")){
         $message = ma ke_clickable($message);
         $message = re moveHack($message);
      $image_subject=removeHack($image_subject) ;
      $message = addslashes($message) ;
      $time = date(
"Y-m-d H:i:s",time()+($gmt*3600));
      $sql = 
"INSERT INTO posts (topic_id, image, fo rum_id, poster_id, post_text, post_time, poster_ip, po ster_dns, post_idH) VALUES ('$topic', '$image_subject',&nbs p;'$forum', '$userdata[uid]', '$message', '$time', '$poster_ip', '$hos tname', $post)";
      if (!$result = mysql_query ($sql)) 
} else {
         $IdPost=mysql_insert_id ();
      $sql = 
"UPDATE forumtopics SET topic_time = '$ time', current_poster = '$userdata[uid]' WHERE topic_id = '$topic'";
      if (!$result = mysql_query ($sql)) 
      $sql = 
"UPDATE forum_read SET status='0' where  ;topicid = '$topic' and uid <> '$userdata[uid]'";
      if (!$r = mysql_query($sql )) 
      $sql = 
"UPDATE users_status SET posts=posts+1 WHERE  (uid = '$userdata[uid]')";
      $result = mysql_query($sql); br />      if (!$result) 
      $sql = 
"SELECT t.topic_notify,, u.uname, u. uid, u.user_langue FROM forumtopics t, users u&nb sp;WHERE t.topic_id = '$topic' AND t.topic_poster  ;= u.uid";
      if (!$result = mysql_query ($sql)) 
      $m = mysql_fetch_array($result) ;
      if ( ($m
[topic_notify] == 1) && ($m[uname] != $userdata[uname]) ) {
< font color="#007700">"
         $resultZ=mysql_query("SELECT topic_title FROM forumtopics WHERE&n bsp;topic_id='$topic'");
         list($title_topic)=mysq l_fetch_row($resultZ);
         $subject = st rip_tags($forum_name).
"/".$title_topic." : ".translate_ml($m[user_langue]"Une réponse à votre dernier Commentair e a été posté.");
         $message = $m
         $message .= t ranslate_ml($m
[user_langue]"Vous recevez ce Mail car vous ave z demandé à être informé lors de la pub lication d'une réponse.")."\r\n";
         $message .= t ranslate_ml($m
[user_langue]"Pour lire la réponse")." : ";
         $message .= < /font>"$nuke_url/viewtopicH.php?topic=$topic&forum=$forum\
         if (!$system)  ;
            send_ email($m
[email], $subject, $message, "", true, "text");
            $sauf =$m

Cet article provient de NPDS